Commonly Used Acronyms

Community Development Block Grant
Center for Regional Economic Competitiveness
College of Southern Idaho
Career Technical Education
Department of Environmental Quality
Department of Labor
Economic Development Administration
Economic Development Districts of Idaho
Environmental Protection Agency
Family Health Services
Idaho Department of Commerce
Intermediary Relending Program
Idaho Transportation Department
National Association of Development Organizations
Public Transportation Advisory Council
Rural Economic Development Services
Region IV Development Association
Revolving Loan Fund
Small Business Administration
Small Business Development Center
Southern Idaho Economic Development Organization
U of I
University of Idaho
Urban Renewal Agency
Urban Renewal District
U.S. Department of Agriculture Rural Development
Workforce Development

Small Business Lending Programs

The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) 504 Loan Program offers small businesses an avenue for business financing, while promoting business growth, and job creation. This program has proven success and beneficial to small businesses, communities, and participating lenders.

SBA 504 loans are made available through Certified Development Companies (CDCs), SBA's community-based partners. CDCs are certified and regulated by the SBA, and work with SBA and participating lenders (typically banks and credit unions) to provide financing to small businesses, which in turn, accomplishes the goal of community economic development. Region IV Development Corporation (RIVDC) has been designated by SBA as a CDC in Idaho since 1984.

The SBA 504 Loan Program provides small businesses with long-term, fixed rate financing for fixed assets (real estate, equipment, and refinancing). Financing for a typical SBA 504 loan is broken into three parts, with 10 to 20% put down by the borrower. An additional 30 to 40% is provided by the CDC/SBA. The remaining 50% is provided by a banking partner. Since 1984, RIVDA has funded 333 SBA 504 loans totaling $137.6 million.


EDA Revolving Loan Program


The U.S. Department of Commerce’s Economic Development Administration provides grants to eligible recipients to capitalize or recapitalize lending programs that service businesses that cannot otherwise obtain traditional bank financing. These grant programs can deliver small business loans which provide access to capital as gap financing to enable small businesses to grow and generate new employment opportunities with competitive wages and benefits. Financing also helps retain jobs that might otherwise be lost, create wealth, and support minority and women-owned businesses. Through this program, business owners can borrower up to $250,000 for real estate, equipment, inventory, and/or working capital. Interest rates are set at competitive market rates with terms up to seven years for working capital, 10 years for equipment, and 20 years for real estate.

RIVDA has managed revolving loan fund programs since 1987. EDA provided a $800,000 grant to RIVDA and $302,000 was raised as local match through the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program. Since 1987, RIVDA has funded 167 loans totaling $10.5 million in financing. In June 2021, $3 million of the RLF funds were defederalized, allowing RIVDA greater flexibility in the use of these funds for economic development activities.

$ of EDA RLF Loans Funded

USDA-RD Intermediary Relending Program (IRP)

Since 2007, RIVDA has been administering a loan fund obtained through the U.S. Department of Agriculture – Rural Development Intermediary Relending Program (IRP). The purpose of the IRP program is to alleviate poverty and increase economic activity and employment in rural communities. Under the IRP program, loans are provided to local organizations (intermediaries) for the establishment of revolving loan funds. These revolving loan funds are used to assist with financing business and economic development activity to create or retain jobs in disadvantaged and rural communities. Intermediaries are encouraged to work in concert with State and regional strategies, and in partnership with other public and private organizations that can provide complimentary resources. Through this program, small businesses owners and entrepreneurs can obtain financing up to $150,000 for real estate, equipment, inventory, and/or working capital. Interest rates are set to market rates at the time the loans are closed with terms up to 7 years for equipment and working capital and 20 years for real estate. There is no prepayment penalty for paying the loan off early.
In 2007, RIVDA’s first IRP fund was established with a $400,000 loan from USDA-RD and $100,000 of local matching funds to create a $500,000 revolving loan program. This program has been so successful, that in January 2020, RIVDA established a second IRP revolving loan fund that totals $1.05 million ($1.0 million loan and $50,000 local matching funds). As of September 2023, RIVDA has funded 27 loans totaling over $2 million.

USDA-RD Micro-RLF Program

Micro-RLF Program

The USDA-RD’s Rural Business Development Grant Program provides loans to small businesses for startup and growth through a rural Microloan Revolving Loan Fund. Through this program, entrepreneurs and business owners can obtain financing of $2,500 to $20,000 for real estate, equipment, inventory, and/or working capital. RIVDA established its Micro-Loan program in 2011. The fund was initiated with a $99,000 grant from USDA- RD and $1,000 of local investment. Through September 2023, RIVDA has funded 16 loans totaling $295,210.

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